Thursday, September 16, 2010

stunning poll results

Over at the MepisLovers forums, somebody started a poll asking what age group members fall into.  The categories:

- 12 or younger
- 13 to 18
- 18 to 25
- 25 to 30
- 30 to 40
- Anything above 40

I figured that most members would be in the 40+ age group, but the results so far have still been quite surprising to me.  So far, over 89% of the respondents said they are 40 years old or older!

Some reasons mentioned for this:

- Young folks are far more interested in gaming and portable devices, and far less interested in tinkering around with Linux.  Younger folks just want things to work; older folks are more interested in how things work.
- Older folks are more likely to post at Linux forums like MepisLovers.
- A lot more people out there fall into the "Anything above 40" range than the other ranges listed.

Well, my son, M.A.L., age 17, uses Mepis here, but he is not a member of the MepisLovers forums (or any other Linux forums), and seems to show very little interest in learning anything at all about Linux.  Loves the internet, though!

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