Monday, March 2, 2009

Turn It Into Something Good

Some folks in Austin, TX have something nice going -- using Linux to help kids get computers.

As it says at the main page of the HeliOS Project's website:

What would eventually evolve into The HeliOS Project began in 2004 with three guys gathered around a dining room table. Ken Starks and two other military veterans began refurbishing cast-off computers and giving them to kids who didn't have one.

Of course, Linux is ideal for doing things like this -- I've taken a few discarded Windows computers and gotten them back up and running, using Linux as the operating system, at very little cost to me. Glad to see that someone is taking this idea and doing some good with it.

I understand that the HeliOS project has settled on Linux Mint as their distro of choice. Mint is one of the distros I use, and I think it'll work out fine.

I've been following the "Blog of helios" for some time. This guy writes some good stuff and is involved in some interesting Linux-related projects. Check it out, here's a link: Blog of helios.

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