Friday, May 22, 2009

Transferers or Quitters?

Former Michigan quarterback Steven Threet has transferred to Arizona State, where the thinks he will fit in better than with Michigan's run-and-gun offense.

He previously transferred to Michigan from Georgia Tech.

I wondered, when a college QB transfers to another school, how often does it result in success?

I couldn't find any statistics on the subject, but it seems to me that guys who transfer don't usually amount to much.

If you're a college football coach, do you really want a quarterback who transferred from another program instead of fighting it out for a starting spot? At best, it seems that a transfer might give you a good back-up, some depth at the position, and a guy who'll challenge your starter.

At worst, it gives you a guy that'll quit on you when the going gets tough.

The bet here is that Threet will go down as a guy who couldn't cut it at three different schools.

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