Thursday, July 22, 2010

chromium, finally!

I've had the open Chromium browser instead in Mepis 8 for awhile now. In fact, I have two builds installed there.

One came from the Mepis Community repos. It's an older build, and there hasn't been an update available for it in quite some time.

But I was really looking forward to the day when I'd be able to install Chromium from Linux repos. Google Chrome was already available in Mepis 8 via Synaptic, and so I've been using that -- and it's a very nice web browser. But Google Chrome, which is not open source, is based on Chromium, which is. I'll use proprietary software, but if the open source counterpart is equal or close to being equal, I'll usually choose that instead.

Well, after I installed Linux Mint 9 (Isadora), I realized that Chromium is available in the Lucid repos. Yay! Downloaded and installed it today.

So, I won't be bothering with Google Chrome in Mint Isadora. (Chrome isn't available in the Lucid repos, but it can still be downloaded from the Google Chrome website.) In Isadora, I'll be sticking with two open source browsers (Firefox and Chromium) as my primary browsers -- I know that sounds hypocritical since I do use Linux Mint, which makes use of proprietary software, but that's okay. I really don't care how it sounds.

In Mepis 8, the latest build of google-chrome-unstable looks quite nice. I think it's better than what I've seen of google-chrome-stable. They've added a few new menu options. But what I was most happy about was that google-chrome-unstable finally has up/down arrows on the scroll bars. I think that the Windows versions of Google Chrome have had them all along, but the Linux versions have been missing them. (Last time I looked, they were still not in google-chrome-stable.)

In the Chromium build that I installed in Mint 9 today (Chromium 5.0.375.99 [51029], built on Ubuntu 10.04), the up/down arrows on the scroll bars are not yet implemented, unfortunately. But I can live with that. Hopefully it'll happen soon.

I've got no other complaints about it. I installed three extensions: Adthwart, Xmarks, and Forecastfox Weather. All three appear to be working fine.

I'll be glad when I can install Chromium directly from the repos in every Linux distro I'm running. I see that Chromium is available in Debian sid (unstable), so perhaps it won't be long before it's in testing, at worst. I'm hoping to be able to install it from the Debian repos in the upcoming Mepis 10 (if that's what the next Mepis release will be called), even if I have to open up the testing repos temporarily to get it.

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