Monday, January 2, 2017

antergos greeter screen background

In Antergos, the backgrounds for the LightDM greeter screen are stored in the /usr/share/antergos/wallpapers directory, and you can copy files into there to make them available to choose from at the greeter screen.

The icon at the upper-right corner opens up a panel along the right side for previewing and selecting from available backgrounds.

Seems appropriate for January. Clicking on the digital clock gives you the login window.

To get screenshots of the login screen, I first added the xorg-server-xephyr package from the Arch repos:

$ sudo pacman -S xorg-server-xephyr

Then I used dm-tool to start a nested display of the greeter screen, and took screenshots of that using xfce4-screenshooter with a delay (note: Alt-F4 gets you back to the desktop) (also see dm-tool --help):

$ dm-tool add-nested-seat --fullscreen

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