Tuesday, January 14, 2020

still loving firefox

"Dedoimedo" writes "Why you SHOULD use Firefox" -- https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/firefox-why-you-should-use.html.

I tend to agree with Dedoimedo on this. It seems like over the past 15 years, Firefox has gone from being the best open source alternative to Microsoft's then-dominant Internet Explorer to these days being the best open source alternative to Google's now-dominant Chrome browser.

I have Google Chrome on my phone, but I rarely use the phone for internet. I've installed Firefox on the phone in the past, though. At home, it's Firefox and sometimes Pale Moon on the laptops. I've used Chrome a little bit at home, and then spent some years using mainly Chromium, the open source project that Chrome is based on.

I was never totally anti-Microsoft or anti-Apple, and I'm not totally anti-Google, either. I love computers and technology too much to be having that mindset. But of course I'm gonna go with open source whenever possible.

For more on Firefox, Dedoimedo takes a look at recent versions in "Firefox 71 & 72 - Some of that old fire is back".

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