Monday, February 17, 2020

ripping with dolphin

While most KDE users will turn to k3b for ripping music files from audio CDs, KDE Plasma's Dolphin provides a fairly easy way to do it, as well. For info, check out "Encode and copy audio CD tracks" at the KDE UserBase Wiki, down near the end of the "Dolphin/File Management" section:

I've ripped quite a few CDs using this method, with KDE Plasma 5.16.5 in Kubuntu 19.10. After inserting a CD, a "Device Notifier" popup appears on the desktop. I select "Open with File Manager". There's something about the kioclient examining the CD, then Dolphin opens the files.

Also, with a CD in the drive, one can simply open Dolphin and click on "Audio CD".

Then, the user can copy the music files from one location to another -- drag, drop, copy. Dolphin presents the files in .wav format, but also puts corresponding .ogg and .mp3 files within the "Ogg Vorbis" and "MP3" directories, respectively. I prefer to go with the .ogg format.

Very cool. This is one of many reasons people say that Dolphin is the best Linux file manager. (I use Double Commander for most file management, though!)

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