Sunday, January 14, 2018

trying neofetch

It seems that there's some kind of bug that causes a weird conflict between gnome-terminal and screenfetch. Before I realized that the problem had anything to do with screenfetch, I mentioned it in "gnome-terminal work-around". It turns out that with screenfetch being used, gnome-terminal might run okay at first, but it won't start up again after it has been closed, except maybe following a reboot.

My workaround was to use the dbus-launch gnome-terminal command instead of the gnome-terminal command. Another workaround: Edit /usr/bin/screenfetch, commenting out the following lines:


However, I decided to try something else. I installed neofetch to use instead of screenfetch. Looks like neofetch doesn't conflict with gnome-terminal and might be a better option anyway.

neofetch gave me a configuration file at ~/.config/neofetch/config, making it fairly easy to tweak some of the output. See:

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