Thursday, September 27, 2018

openbox keybinds

The Openbox keybinds are set in the ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml file. There's a GUI app to handle this, called obkey, but you won't find it in the Debian repos (in Arch, users can get obkey from AUR).

Changes made with obkey are saved to the ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml file unless a different file is specified.

To add obkey in Debian 9 ("Stretch") Openbox, first I went to I clicked on the "Clone or download" button. Clicked "Download ZIP", then "Open with unzip (default)".

This gave me the ~/obkey-master directory, which I moved to ~/source/obkey-master. Then I ran the following:

$ cd ~/source/obkey-master
$ ./obkey ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml

That opened up the obkey GUI.

For my Openbox menu, I used the following command for starting obkey:


Here's a shot of the entry in the menu:

For a little more info, see:

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