Tuesday, July 30, 2019

still playing beautiful music

A little over 10 years ago, in my "Sony Minidisc" post, I wrote: "However, I still find myself going back to my old Sony MZ-S1 Minidisc players."

The Sony MiniDisc already seemed "obsolete" by 2009. I think Sony finally shipped the last MiniDisc Walkman a couple of years later. But here in 2019, I'm still, every now and then, playing music from these MiniDisc players!

I don't have Windows around anymore, so I can't make any changes on the discs, and I can't add music to them. And I don't really use headphones/earbuds much anymore; I hook up one of the MiniDisc players to a pair of computer speakers, and to a power outlet, set the player to "Shuffle-Repeat", then kick back and enjoy for a few hours.

The music still sounds great; the devices still work flawlessly. I'm just gonna keep on using these MiniDisc players until they finally wear out. Unless they outlast me!

Now playing: "The Offbeat of Avenues" by The Manhattan Transfer, off the 1991 album of the same name. Beautiful!

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